Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

something is

i pretty much love everything posted on this blog something is something else

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I finally put up this lovely sculpture I bought from Amy Joy too many weeks ago. I'm quite happy with this one tiny section of my house now, it makes me happy just seeing this one spot of harmony and colour in my super messy, unorganised house. It looked even nicer with cupcakes on the cake platter. I also finally found a laminex table and chairs today! Only $85 at the church garage sale, I can't believe how easy it all ended up being, now just to take a photo of it when it's not covered in things...

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm joining the circus

New H by Hudson shoes arrived from Coggles today! I'm trying to get excited about winter by buying sensible wintery shoes... Or maybe I'll just run away and join the circus.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

computer glitch

Our computer programme at work stopped working yesterday. I got to go home early! It is amazing being home in the daytime during the week. Yesterday I made yoghurt! (unsuccessful) and today I baked cupcakes and plan to finish writing for the exhibition grant application, due in about 4 days!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am a little busy at the moment trying to get artwork together for an exhibition I am having with two other lovely girls in July. I was feeling the allure of winter when I started this work in the middle of summer in my un-airconditioned apartment. Now that the days are getting coolish and the show is mid-winter I may have to change my direction a little...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

City living

So I have moved house in the last two weeks. It is exciting living somewhere cute and old where everything (almost) actually works. This left me with an obsession for online shopping for vintage furniture. I am currently trying to overcome the hurdle of finding a nice comfortable couch that is not leather and preferably not new... Unfortunately anything I find is already sold. I recently discovered the site 'svpply' via really gorgeous blog freckle farm, dangerous territory... I need this chair!

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